Today we drove the 3 hours to Many Tears Rescue Centre to meet Whistle the 6 year old ex breeding bitch who has never had a real home, or much kindness or comfort in her life.
We were excited to meet her and a little apprehensive as to how we would cope with a very nervous dog.

These pictures are of Whistle as she was at the rescue centre. She looks so vulnerable, sad and sweet and I just want to shower her with love and protect her and help her to have a happy life.
The centre is very busy and full of rescue dogs. There is a lot of noise and I wondered how our precious little Poppy would cope in a place like this. Thankfully she will never know, but what about the dear little ones for whom this is home? How do they cope?
We had a meet and greet with Whistle in an enclosed yard. Poppy who is normally bouncy and playful with all dogs, was happy but quiet and she seemed to understand that this new 'friend' needed to be treated gently. whistle seemed a perky, fairly happy little dog and she trotted around the yard sniffing at stuff and coming to us for a quick sniff and off again.
The poor little girl has quite the saggy mummy tummy and enlarged, saggy boobs. she is much smaller than a normal, healthy, well fed mini Schnauzer would be because she has had a terrible diet and has been malnourished. Her ears have had infections which have been treated at the rescue centre but left her with some lumpy scarring. The irony hit me, if these selfish, greedy, cruel, neglectful breeders actually bothered to properly feed and care for their dogs, they would have better animals all ways round. I want to say at this point that I struggle to have Christian charity toward these breeders and I feel a great deal of contempt for them. that will be an ongoing struggle for me.
Whistle is 6years old and has likely had 5 to 7 litters! She has never worn a collar or been house trained or gone for a walk. Ever. During our time with her, both Paul and I felt a bond and affection for this dear little girl. Whilst we were doing the paperwork to adopt her, the staff found that she had a large lump in her belly. The vet checked her out and confirmed she has a hernia which will require surgery at the centre. The vet also confirmed the start of cataracts in her eyes. It was a huge disappointment to us. We took some time out and walked and talked and shed a few tears. The centre apologised for not noticing this sooner, which we appreciated them saying, and they offered for us to take a look at the other Schnauzers there.
We felt disloyal looking at the other dogs, it was an emotionally challenging thing for us. We met another of the dogs, another sweet little girl who was very nervous. Her cataracts were easily visible, poor thing.
We decided to come home and not make any decision in the emotional state we were in.
During the next few days we talked and pondered, and came to the decision that we shall home Whistle as soon as the centre can do the operation and we can meet them to collect her.